06 Nov Tennis, Anyone?
I’ve always had an obsession with tennis. And I think I finally understand why. It’s all about music. (more…)
I’ve always had an obsession with tennis. And I think I finally understand why. It’s all about music. (more…)
So now that my daughter is in school . . . wait, let me pause for just a second and let that sink in. It happened so quickly. (more…)
It may have taken the sum of my whole life up to now, but I think I’ve finally learned the basic methodology behind music performance. It goes something like this… (more…)
Since going viral, a lot of you have seen the now-infamous Huffington Post article about my good friend and label-mate Blake Morgan very publicly calling out Pandora’s founder Tim Westergren for their unfair and unbalanced musical artist royalty rates. (more…)
I’ve never really thought of songwriting as therapy. I know that may sound strange, but it’s true. Songs have always been something that I’ve made to listen to, always hearing things from the perspective of an audience member. (more…)